There is nothing you can lose – no risks are guaranteed. This is why you should not wait a second more and download PC Dark Souls 2 SaveGame right now! You will be able to upgrade your game without any limits the way you have always wanted. Every particular Save Game file will provide you with a lot of new solutions. It’s weird, but absolutely something you can get used to.Are you interested in finding more information about Save Game World? Then it is your lucky moment because in our website you will find various Save Game files will help you to develop your game. This leads to weird things like pressing the eastern button in the home menu to start the game, but then pressing the southern button to load your save just moments later. When I am holding a Switch in my hand, my brain has no problem with this swap, but Dark Souls didn’t get the memo, so I still – even five hours in – find myself accidentally canceling out of menus often. Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild, for example, have you confirming menu actions using the eastern button, and the southern button to cancel. The Switch, for whatever reason, swaps the layout so confirming and canceling actions in its menus are reversed. PS4 and Xbox One’s menus default the southern ‘X’ or ‘A’ button to confirmation and the eastern ‘O’ or ‘B’ to cancel.

The Bad The Button Layout For Menus Is Weird It’s perfect for capturing every single one of your victories, deaths, or just to take a look back and see exactly how many Souls you were carrying when you died to decide if they’re worth going back for.

For whatever reason, though, not every Switch game is capable of recording video, so including this with the list of good things about the game is here really just as means of information delivery: by holding down the screenshot button, you can record 30 seconds of Dark Souls footage on Switch.

Obviously, Dark Souls Remastered on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One allowed you to record footage of the game.