After a long fight, Granny and the Furies are subdued. Once there, Superman tears his way to Darkseid's palace while Wonder Woman and Barda go through the sewers directly into the fighting arena, where Granny Goodness and the Female Furies ambush them. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman locate and recruit Barda to help them find their way on Apokolips.

Distraught, Superman vows to avenge her and save Kara. Superman, Wonder Woman and the Amazonian army fight them for a while until Superman vaporizes all of them with a single blast of his heat vision, but Batman discovers that Kara is missing, and that Darkseids Omega Beams have killed Lyla (while trying to prevent Kara's abduction). While Batman and Superman are checking on Kara on Themyscira, a horde of Doomsday clones arrive from Apokolips.

Superman reluctantly agrees, but still prefers to watch to Kara himself.Meanwhile, on the planet Apokolips, Darkseid learns of Kara's presence on Earth, and orders her to be captured and brought to Apokolips as a possible candidate to lead the Female Furies since the departure of Big Barda. Tipped off by Batman, Wonder Woman and Lyla ambush Clark Kent and Kara in a park and take Kara to Themyscira, on the basis that only there can she learn to control her powers. While Superman welcomes Kara, teaches her English, and helps her adjust to Earth society, Batman remains suspicious. With Superman's help, they discover that the girl is Kara Zor-El, the niece of Jor-El and Superman's biological cousin. She accidentally causes all sorts of havoc with her Kryptonian-like powers until the Dark Knight exposes her to a piece of Kryptonite. Weeks after the events that led to Lex Luthor's arrest, the impeachment of his presidency, and Batman's success in saving the world from the impact of an arriving meteor, a spaceship lands in Gotham City Harbor and a young girl with no knowledge of English or any other human languages emerges.