(6) Mayor LaGuardia speaks, asks all to take part in "I Am An American Day.Let’s learn about funeral pyres and open-air cremation. has been achieved." scenes of Boeing rolling out an extra B-29 in Seattle, Capitol dome in DC, New York Times Square lit up, the 'Great White Way' at night, Statue of Liberty once more lighted at night.

B'Way is 'White Way' Again - When all the lights are turned on again in Times Square, the dazzle and brilliance convinces all Broadwayites that V.E. the shining dome of the nation's capitol commands the most attention. Washington Aglow - When full outdoor illumination is restored to Washington, D.C. capitol." (5) Nation Hails V-E Day - "Seattle, Wash.: Spirited Boeing employees celebrates news of victory over Germany by wheeling out a giant B-29 bomber carrying 'On To Tokyo' sign. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, hoist the same tattered flag over the U.S. Three of the heroes who raised the Stars and Stripes at Mt. of Treasury Morgenthau speaks, telling the urgency of buying war bonds. Burial services are held at a military cemetery on a Pacific island." (4) Iwo Flag To Be Symbol Of 7th Loan - "Washington, DC: Sec. Comfort, a hospital ship, was attacked by a Jap suicide flyer, wounding 31 Yanks and killing 29. Joe and his buddies in the other armed services of the Allies." scenes of Ike speaking (3) Jap Suicide Pilot Dives On Hospital Ship - "Off Okinawa, the U.S.S.

flag hides swatstika in stadium, then blown up, military review (2) Eisenhower Calls GI's Real Heroes - "General Eisenhower credits Allied generals with genius, but states that the real hero of the war is G.I. The huge rallying stadium serves as a parade ground for Yank troops who blast a surmounting stone swastika to bits - then replace it with the Stars and Stripes." scenes of ruins of Krupp factory, tanks, cities, "none reflects greater destruction than Nuremberg" where U.S.

The rail center, Nuremberg, once the seat of Nazi culture, is now a dead city. The huge Krupp tank factory is destroyed as are hundreds of partially finished tanks on the assembly line. Industrial Magdeburg has been gutted by dive bombers of the U.S. (1) "Air views of Leipzig reveal it to be a city of skeleton buildings and rubble.